and Kathy have always had cats, usually
three or four. It stated with Nugget,
a stray from the Salem Animal Shelter,
which Shane picked up prior to meeting
Kathy. The family blossomed with
the addition of a pedigreed Maine Coon,
Patched Pirate Princess (Princess
to her friends), which Shane presented
to Kathy for her birthday one year,
followed next year by another Maine
Coon Lt. Commander Worf.
Worf and Princess bred two litters, and one of the kittens, Gowron King of the Klingons joined the family. The Maine Coons ruled the house for many years.
Sadly, Nugget, Princess and Worf have passed on to the great catnip fields in the sky. You can read their obituaries here:
- Nugget's Obituary
- Princess' Obituary
- Worf's Obituary
- Gowron's Obituary
Currently we have four cats, Tony (a stray who adopted Kathy outside her downtown hotel when she was visiting San Antonio, Neelix, a big orange cat we adopted from PetCo, Tasha, a pedigreed Maine Coon and Dusty (the Nipper), another adoption. The slide show doesn't show Neelix and Nipper because Shane has been too busy to update this page...
Click here to see our cat family photo album.